Meeting Gleanings
The organizers want to thank everyone who helped to make the workshop an interesting and inspiring meeting!
The Web-Version of the Book Of Abstracts is available in PDF (27 MB) format.
The workshop Poster is also available for download in higher resolution: PNG (1.8 M) |
Some further Impressions:
The winners of the Lecture and Poster Awards are
(click image to enlarge)
Lecture Awards:
- 1. Oliver Krahe (Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, second from left)
Interplay of theory and spectroscopy: Study of an FeV-nitride complex and its photolytic formation
- 2. Jarmila Husby (London, third from left)
MD studies of the STAT3:DNA complex: STAT3 mutations and protein-DNA recognition
- 3. Anna Gogolinska (Torun, fourth from left)
Interactions of antibodies with selected antigens - computational modeling
Poster Awards:
- P12 Michael Margreiter (Innsbruck, not in the picture but represented by Roland G. Huber, Innsbruck, third from right)
Dispersion bound aromatic dimers
- P05 Zlatko Brkljaca (Erlangen, second from right)
Calculation of the CD spectrum of a peptide from its conformational phase space
- P18 Joachim Stump (Erlangen, first from right)
Investigating the Effect of Q27 Mutation on Receptor-binding Properties of Glycoprotein D in Herpes Simplex Virus-1
Workshop Announcement
The 26th Molecular Modeling Workshop (March, 12th - 14th) in Erlangen provides research students and new postdoctoral scientists the perfect opportunity to present their research to the molecular modeling community. Scientists at the beginning of their academic careers are able to meet new colleagues in academia and industry.
Every year, the organisers welcome both poster or lecture contributions in English or German from all areas of molecular modeling including life sciences, physical sciences, material sciences and the nano sciences.
The aim of the Modeling Workshop is to introduce research in progress. The workshop is the perfect venue to introduce new methods in molecular modeling that can be applied to many disciplines. The workshop is suitable for everyone, those who want to gain experience in presentation skills and those who just want to network in a friendly relaxed environment.
The workshop Poster is also available for download in higher resolution: PNG (1.9 MB)
The workshop book of abstracts is available for download:
Book of abstracts (27 MB) |
Plenary lectures
We are pleased to announce the following confirmed plenary speakers (in alphabetical order):